1、文: 论文完际我要特别谢我指导师XX师热情关怀悉指导我撰写论文程X师倾注量血汗水论论文选题、构思资料收集面论文研究及文定稿面我都X师悉细致教诲私帮助特别广博识、深厚术素养、严谨治精神丝苟工作作风使我终受益表示真诚谢深深谢意 论文写作程许同宝贵建议同许工作程许同事支持帮助并致诚挚谢意 谢所关、支持、帮助我良师益友 向百忙抽间本文进行评审并提宝贵意见各位专家表示衷谢 English: I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my supervisor, Ms Li (相应改), for her academic guidance and personal support through every phase of this dissertation, and also for her encouraging my accomplishment of the whole research. Without her great patience and helpful suggestions, the completion of this dissertation would not have been possible. I am also indebted to the leadership of the School of Translation & Interpretation, Sun Yat-sen University, for their support and understanding throughout the years of my studying and working on campus.。
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